The Gift's For Bababuk Celebration (Pabuisatn Gawe Bababuk)
The Salako Circumcision Celebration or Gawe Basunat Bababuk is one of many celebrations that the Salako people celebrated. It is a traditional customary of Salako people way of realizing their "niat" or wish of joys for their male children who have undergone circumcision. It is also a way for them to show to their community that their children is turning to adulthood. It is not a ritual, but only a simple ceremony of joy.
This celebration bring a lot of joy to the community itself. It is during this celebration where all the community shows the spirit of cooperation by giving a helping hands in the preparation of the celebration. This celebration also brings a good brotherhood among the community, especially among the relatives of the celebrant.
This celebrations usually done in two days. The first day is the preparation day or "Macah Baras". The second day is the ceremony of joy or the celebration which starts as early as 5.00 am. The night between the two days, the elderly including the celebrant will sit down together to talks (basapakat) about the intentions of the celebration and who who's is responsible and has the right to accept and receive the gift's (pabuisatn) the next day. The meeting can last quite long, and here where the younger generation of the community can learned the customary ( rukun ) of know how about running the celebration.
Actually the "Gawe Bababuk" is a simple ceremony of joy where the preparation of the gift's is only for a few persons who is responsible in giving a helping hand to the celebrant during the circumcision, such as:
1. The host of the ceremony or "Lawakng"
2. The ritual priest or "Panyangahatn"
3. The person who done the circumcision on the boy or "Tukang Sunat"
4. The person who help bring the boy for circumcision or "Pangamin"
5. The person who help sending the boy for circumcision or "Tukang Antat or Pangantat"
6. The person who is expert in doing the cutting of the slaughtered pig.
Here is the simple order of how the celebration or ceremony of joy for circumcision ( Gawe Basunat Bababuk) is done:
Making the "Tumpik" or "Numpik" at the evening of the "Macah Baras"
The cooking of the "Lamang" or "Madar Lamang" using "Ra'rahatn".
Working together catching the pig for slaughtering as a gift (pabuisatn) that weight almost 80kg
The "Bakalakar Basapakat" at the night of the "Macah Baras"
* The two elderly man sitting in front of the "apar" is the two persons who will be responsible for the ritual priest of the ceremony or "panyangahatn" and also the community leader or "Katua kampokng or Katua Raya" who will be in-charge of distributing the gift during the ceremony.
The proses of cutting the slaughtered pig by the expert who knows how
according to "rukun" or as the rules of the "pabuisatn" (gifts)
* The cutting of the slaughtered pig is divided precisely into different parts, such as:
1. Ka'akng Buis
2. Kuit Ajakng
3. Pangime
4. Tete'atn
5. Barakng ( on the right side of the hind leg)
6. Tali Ra'akng
7. A'sukng Banukng (the main parts)
8. Isi' Munsur
9. Rusuk
10. Angan Padar
The process of cutting and dividing the pig parts
which has been blanched or "dingarok" for the "Pabuisatn".
The prepared gifts to be distributed to the persons concerns (Pabuisatn)
The "Bakalakar Kasapaduatn" ceremony where the elderly,
the Katua Raya and the Panyangahatn compromise
in distributing the gifts to rightful persons.
The ceremony of joy will always lasted for a few hours where the elderly will talks and decide until they reach a compromise who is the rightful persons should accept the gift's.
To my point of view, this ceremony of joy is a good ceremony for our people (Salako) to maintain their brotherhood and friendship among themselves as one community. Beside that, it is a way of strengthening this relationship by keeping "our spirit of togetherness" and working together as a community.
By the end of the day, it is a way for our younger generation to understand our own culture and keeping it alive to enrich our Malaysian diversity of cultures. It is also as a starting points for our young generation to realize that we need an identity of our own culture for safe keeping as a SALAKO. We need our identity before we loose it, especially in this fast moving cyber world. WE HAVE OUR IDENTITY.......BUT WHERE AND WHAT?