Monday, August 30, 2010

Some Salako Translations to English

A foreigner meet his local friend in Lundu town, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.

Traveller : Hello, nice to meet you. ( Halo, repo dapat batamu ngan kau. )
Local     : Sabaya ugak ( Same with you)
Traveller : It's a wonderful place here. ( Bato unang tampat di sia. )
Local     : Auklah, angat kahe. ( Yes it is, but its quite warm here. )
Traveller : Well, it is a tropic country and it is as expected. ( Auk Jamai'a' bah, memang jai'a bah
                  nagari tropika.)
local       : Jama'e gak paja'anan tae? ( How is your journey just now? )
Traveller : Oh. okey. It's take around one hour. ( Oh, ok. Samak sajam. )
Local     : Samadi diri' bakalakar badiri jai'a, jek diri' duduk di kade sambil nyocok aik. ( Rather then us 
                talking here, come lets us find some place in the coffee shop and have some drinks. )
Traveller : It's a good idea. ( Koa buah pikir ang bato.)

In the Coffee shop.

A waiter  : Mia chocokak kitak? ( What drinks are you going order? )
Local      : Aik mia ang maok kau chocokak? ( What drink do you want? )
Traveller  : Give me a cool and refreshing "ice lemon tea". ( Barek aku aik dingin ngan nyaman, "teh ais
                 imo nepes" )
Local      : Ia minta' teh ais imo nepes, aku barek cola ais campuri' garek dikit boh. ( My friends here ask for
                 ice lemon tea, and give me a coke mix with a little bit of salt, okey. )
A waiter  : Dibare'a aislah cola kitak koa? ( Your coke need an ice, sir? )
Local      : Auk.... ( Yes..)
Traveller  : Is there any cheap place to stay here, like a hotel or a chalet? ( Ada kek tampat diamp ang murah
                 di sia, aya hotel ato chalet? )
Local      : Oh, ada, ka tapi pante manyak, tapi di pasar nyian kahe sabuah, ba air-con gaunange. ( Oh, yes
                 there is, especially at the sea side, but in town only one and it is air-condition. )
Local      : Jek nang nyocok, aus nyian. ( Come let have our drinks, I'm thirsty. )
Traveller  : Come,'s nice. ( Auk jek, ummmm ...nyaman. )
Traveller  : I'm going to stay for a few days, maybe around three days. ( Aku maok di sia damp dua ato talu
                 ari, mungkin damp talu ari.)
Local       : Auklah, dapat ugak kau baja'atn-baja'atn nanang tampat di sia. ( Oh, yes that good, and you can
                 walk around to see the places here. )
Traveller  ; I hope I can used what ever time I have here to walks around. ( Aku arap aku dapat makhe
                  masa ang ku ada di sia sak baja'atn-baja'atn nanang utatn. )
Local       ; Ame gobar, dapat sabab tampat kami nyian ana' kaya'. ( Don't worry, you can because our
                  places here is not big. )
Traveller  : How about transport, is it easy to get? ( Jamae ngan pangangkutan, sanang kek? )
Local       : Oh, hal koa ame digobaratn, aku ada. Kalo ngagoak pangangkutan makhe urakng rami di sia
                 susah dikit. Kahe van ang ada, ana' tatap masa'e. ( Oh, about that don't worry, I'll provide it. If
                 you want to find public transport here it's quite difficult. We only a few van and the time is not
                 fixed. )
Traveller   ; Oh, I see. Thank you then. ( Oh, jakoalah. Tarima' kasehlah boh. )

Dears readers, above is some example of a Salako talking with his foriegn friend. Some words in Salako brings two meaning, depend on the situation the words is used. Example:

1. utatn = places, or jungle
I have been in the jungle for two days. ( Aku di damp utatn udah dua ari. )

Beside that, translating English to Salako is not easy, because we have to see the situation how the words is used in the sentences, example:

1. I hope I used what ever time I have here to walks around. ( Aku arap aku dapat makhe masa ang ku
   ada di sia sak baja'atn-baja'atn nanang utatn. )

* around = kaliling , but because the words walks around, so the best expression to translate is  baja'atn-baja'atn nanang utatn.

* Baja'atn = walk
* Baja'atn-baja'atn = walks.
* Nanang utatn = see places

Dear readers, to translate a Salako text or an English text to a Salako text and vice verse, is not easy. If not, the meaning intended for will differ from the original meaning. Any indigenous language that is seldom been used in writing will face similar problem. I hope in near future, lots of Salako will try our best to write some text with our own language so that we won't loose our original language.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blogi on väga kasulik! MetsaABC on parim metsa ülestöötamise ja majandamise teenuse pakkuja Eesti kohalikul metsaturul. Nende teenused hõlmavad hakkepuidu ostmist virnastatud võsa kujul ja raiejäätmete ostmist. Hakkepuidu tootmiseks sobivad hästi paju- ja lepavõsa ning muud vähem väärtuslikud puuliigid. Samuti ei sobi erinev puit saematerjalile parasiitide või mädaniku tõttu. MetsaABC suudab pakkuda võsaostu jaoks parimat hinda, kuna neil on otsene kokkupuude koostootmisjaamadega. Teenuste kavandamisel peavad nad arvestama kliendi nõuete, ootuste ja visiooniga parimate võimalike teenuste pakkumisel. Erinevad raied, mida metsamajandamisel võib vaja minna, on valgustusraie, harvendusraie, lageraie, katkendlik raie.
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